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Return to Triumph

To: "Triumph" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Return to Triumph
From: "Peter French" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 1998 12:06:43 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Hello everybody,
I have recently come back to Triumph after a gap of 28 years with Sunbeams
and then Jaguars, I like them all but Petrol prices and taxes have got so
here my Jaguar was getting to be a bit of an unjustifiable luxury! I have
always wanted
an "E" type or a "D" type kit car and when that became "Out of the question"
remembered that I always used to look in in Triumph showrooms back in 1969
the new GT6's and say I will have one of them one day. I never thought it
take so long! In the end I got a 1969 mk2 in excellent condition and with a
Stage 3
engine tune, a sort of economy "E" type anyway!
I love these lists, I sold my last car (1976 Jaguar XJ12 Coupe) entirely via
to a fellow lister who happened to live in North Carolina even though it did
not have air -conditioning and was right hand drive!
I also saved myself a lot of wasted journeys when looking for my GT6 by
asking for a video of any prospective car which sounded good but was too
far to see easily.
Peter French
Bedfordshire, UK
1969 GT6

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