Well, the answer is simple, as the MG's mentioned don't have a frame,
body rust is more difficult to rectify and its easier to replace the
shell in one go. Plus if I buy a full shell for a Midget, I'll get
everything including doors, bonnets etc fully fitted. I just need a
really wrecked donor vehicle for a couple of exchange items and a
chassis no. and off you go. All for about 3 grand. No use going and
restore a rotten shell. As to the TR7/8 shells, there is no demand, as
long as you can get cars for under a grand (£) in reasonable condition,
who will shell out about 4-5 for a shell? Plus I think, the coupe may
rest where it is, in oblivion. And the roadsters, well, you'd rather
have a rare car than hundreds of forgerys around right?
> ----------
> From: Odd Hedberg[SMTP:odd@triumphclub.se]
> Reply To: Odd Hedberg
> Sent: Monday, August 03, 1998 5:34 PM
> To: 1-Triumph List
> Cc: 1-TR8-list
> Subject: Re: BMH Body shells
> Friends on the Triumph lists,
> I guess this proves what we've been suspecting/saying about
> the British Motor "MG Heritage" all along, doesn't it?
> More than ten times as many B's as 6's!!!
> And more than five times as many Midgets as 6's...
> Where are the Spitfire/GT6 bodies, where are the Herald/Vitesse
> bodies, where are the TR7/8 bodies?
> - And where are the Big Healey bodies?
> No wonder it's called MG Heritage...
> Anyone care to comment? If this starts a flame war, please
> direct the flames towards MG Heritage, not me - or any other
> true Triumph follower...
> /Odd
> Dave Simpson wrote to the Triumph and Spitfire lists:
> > To List
> > FWIW, I just read in Mini Mania's catalog that BMH has produced:
> > 2750 MGB bodies
> > 1350 MG Midget Bodies
> > 250 TR6 bodies
> >
> > and will start producing Mini Mk1 body shells,
> > just some interesting info to pass around.
> > Dave Simpson
> --
> Odd Hedberg
> Pomonagatan 4
> S-74236 Östhammar International liaison secretary,
> Sweden Triumph Club of Sweden
> '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
> '80 TR8 EFi DHC TPZDV8AT211468 Midas Gold
> E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se / odd.hedberg@bigfoot.com
> Club URL: http://www.triumphclub.se/index.htm
> Home Phone/Fax: Int+ 46-1731 7131 / 46-1731 8131
> Geographical Position: N 60deg 15min E 18deg 23min
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------