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Re: Cruel to be kind

To: "David Hill" <>
Subject: Re: Cruel to be kind
From: "Sumner Weisman" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 16:58:29 -0400
Cc: "Triumphs" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

Great!  Sounds like the nasty things I would do.


> From: David Hill <>
> To: Sumner Weisman <>; Triumphs <>
> Subject: Cruel to be kind
> Date: Monday, July 27, 1998 3:47 PM
> Evening All,
> Re. the thread on simple anti-theft devices, here are a couple.
> One chap got sick of people jumping into his Spitfire, not necessarily to
> steal it. So he got two 1ft. square piece of thin plywood. Drilled lots
> tiny holes in one, pushed through lots of specially sharpened darning
> needles then glued the other piece of wood on underneath. Then, he fitted
> foam pad a little thicker than the length of the needles and added a
> cover.
> This seat 'cushion' worked fine, as was proved by an agonised yelp at 2
> a.m., followed by running footsteps as a youth fled with the cushion
> attached to his butt.
> The inventor recommends a red cover for obvious reasons :-).
> The other was more serious......
> Plagued by repeated thefts of radios from his Ford, a friend rigged a BIG
> charging capacitor to a pair of wires. the wires led to two separate
> of aluminium cooking foil glued to the leading side of the steering
> out of sight.
> One night...BANG.....Scream......running footsetps.
> All the inventor found was some blood, and a front tooth embedded in the
> upper curve of the steering wheel. He still has the same radio.
> Yours Evilly,
> Dave Hill, UK.

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