At 01:14 24/07/98 -0700, you wrote:
>The real message of the car thief was that the surest way to prevent
>theft was to shut off the fuel supply. The gist of his thinking was that
>any thief can disable locks, and get by the most sophisticated of
>electrical deterrent systems simply by buying one himself and figuring
>out how it works. But, a car that starts and runs long enough for the
>thief to think, "time to leave," and then quits, has him worried. That
>indicates a problem with the car that he won't want to take time to
>diagnose. A professional will abandon the car at that point.
Indeed. And, as a mate of mine points out, the thief will probably be on a
main road when the engine cuts out, and would be unlikely to risk being
caught by pulling apart the dash, engine bay, etc. to find the cut-off.
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia