There is an article on the Mercurygrease gun on WWW.VTR.ORG in the
maintenance section. The correct art. no should be: C-91-37299
Good luck,
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Tomislav Marincic <>
Aan: Triumph list <>
Datum: donderdag 23 juli 1998 21:51
Onderwerp: Oil-type grease gun
About a year ago, we were talking about the difficulty and mess
involved with oiling the front trunnions using an ordinary grease gun when
someone mentioned that Mercury Marine made a "grease gun" specifically for
oiling stern drives. I copied the part number as Mercury/Quicksilver 91-372
99A 1 and the gear lube cartridges as 92-19007A24. When I recently tried to
purchase these, the Mercury Marine dealer told me those were invalid part
numbers and that he had no idea what product I was describing. The Mercury
Marine web site was no help either, except for locating dealers.
Does anyone have this thing? Where did you get it? Does anyone know
the correct part number and where I might mail order one?
Best Regards,
Tom Marincic
P.S. I know many listers use grease in the trunnions with
satisfactory results.