recently grounded?
sounds like exhaust vibration to me, a sound familiar to me since I
fitted the new tubular manifold. Sound 6/10, fittment 1/10. Could be a
loose baffle in a silencer as well.
> ----------
> From: Cliff Hansen[]
> Reply To: Cliff Hansen
> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 1998 11:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Ominous noise - any diagnosis?
> Hi all,
> I've been enjoying my car long enough that something like this
> was bound to crop up. When decelerating in gear I hear a
> metallic buzz, lasts about a second, and to me sounds like
> something round on a shaft that's a little too large, and vibrating.
> Its not a squeal or a clunk, nor a rattle, its too high frequency to
> describe as a rattle. My suspicion is the throw-out bearing, but
> I don't get any of the other symptoms I would expect. I have no
> bearing noise when idling in neutral, no squealing when engaging
> or disengaging the clutch. I do have a very high-pitched whine that
> comes and goes, sounds to me very much like a pilot bushing but
> the 4A doesn't have one of these.
> I don't know how old the clutch is. The car had been parked for
> several years before I bought it last summer, and I haven't been
> in there. I don't have any trouble shifting. I guess its possible
> that the bearing has dried out while the friction plate is still fine.
> Any ideas? Thanks for your help.
> Cliff Hansen
> 1966 TR-4A CTC 64615L