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Re: Gaydon 75th

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Gaydon 75th
From: John Gillis <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 09:31:28 +0000
>Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 09:24:53 +0000
>To: "jonmac" <>
>From: John Gillis <>
>Subject: Re: Gaydon 75th
>Snip: We got pretty castigated by quite a number
>of people for the delays in getting on site.
>       I am the other half of the Irish duo who was tat the show in
>Gaydon. Anybody that moaned about delay in getting on site needs their
>head examined. We were all geared up and indeed expecting to que to get
>in, (that's what happens when many people and cars gather together at a
>single point) we were very impressed with the speed that cars, both
>visitors and display vehicles were processed. A job well done if you ask

John Gillis
1954 TR2 TS3618. October 1954 (ground up)
1964 Triumph 3TA 350cc (a little gem)
Trinity College

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