The major difference between the USA and the UK is population density,
plus the fact the country roads were built around the fields rather than
the other way arround conciquently you get lots of tight bends as aposed
to sweeping bends, meaning third or second gear is used alot. Plus the
on the motorways it is rair to see anone doing less than 70-80 MPH
except for small Fiat, Austins and Old Ford's of any size, oh an thoes
F***** caravaners (who are the spawn of the devil unless the are the
rair exception who actualt cair about the car's behind and don't travil
when I wan't to go somewhere).
The 'L' plates are excelent because it gives you somthing to tair up
when you pass your driving test! Plus as an added bonus you can stick
it to the back of an drunk friend which is funny every time (They may
disagree). Another thing you get is a gree 'P' which meens that they
person has just passed there test. What it actualy meens is 'P'ass me,
that is they are usaly middel aged, extreamy underconfident, very slow,
did not get enough road experience when before passing there test, oh
and the chose an insurance company that incisted they got one instaid of
a cheap one.
The other reason for the added carbon deposits in the UK are there are
no emmission laws, and so the whole design of the engin can allow for
the burn to be much richer. Thus incressing the carbon deposits. Don't
forget as well the Triumph 2-4 baised engins are 1950's designs which
has a big effect. The traffic conditions don't make much of an effect,
your standad 1980's GM engins (Vaxhaull) will last 180K miles without a
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot