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Re: Slave cylinder & bleeding...

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Slave cylinder & bleeding...
From: Cwn74 <>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 23:35:00 EDT
I put a speed bleeder in my Spitfire clutch slave on rebuild last year and I
love it!  A real 1-man job (from underneath without taking out the tunnel).
Believe me, I've bled scores of Spitfires over the decades and this is the
cat's meow!  BTW, this is an unsolicited testimonial!  I've read other's
responses that hated them, but I don't know why if they used them properly...

Griots sells them now for $18.95 for 2.  Try the speedbleeder homepage and get
them direct!  $6.50 each ( There's a cutaway diagram to
explain the device.

Haven't put them on the 4 corners yet, later this summer...


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