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To: <>
Subject: Flooding
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:29:17 +0100
Cc: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Thanks for the concern, Tom.
It's been bad as the worst part of it all was in the true heart of Triumph
country. The size of the flash floods were awesome. We had to close the 4WD
"Visitor Experience" at Heritage for two days - the accumulated water on
the demo track was even too deep for a Land Rover. I said they ought to
carry on regardless and give Joe Public a real thrill by fitting on a
snorkel kit and giving everyone wellies or an optional aqualung - but that
suggestion didn't go over too well. Just got looked at with that "humour
him and he'll go away" expression. 
Back running today, though I saw one or two people getting out of the
Landie with far whiter expressions to their faces than when they set out.
Everyone was well frightened seeing water above the door lines - but I
think, repeat think, they enjoyed it!
Incidentally, Royal Shakespeare Theatre at Stratford UNDER Avon did some
good forward planning. Old Bill Shakkers work called the Merchant of Venice
is running at the moment - or would be, if the audience could get through
the floods to look at a floating stage.
John Macartney
Now in the same museum as the cars he sold when they were new

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