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Re: TR3A Project update - TS81802LO

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Re: TR3A Project update - TS81802LO
From: John Duhart <>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 08:40:16 -0400

>>> "Musson, Carl" <> 04/07 11:22 PM >>>


>All guages are in as new condition except
>the fool cut the temp guage capilliary.  Also all lights and switches
>are new in the package (although he had the wrong O/D switch).  
>The shortfall is the interior - Nothing.  

 NO NO NO, oh my goodness, Carl I cannot in good faith let you put up with such 
a poor quality car.  A bad gauge and the wrong OD switch.  Carl, pack it up in 
a trailer, driver it to my house, and I'll write you a check for $2,321.48

>BTW - the receipts totaled $9,283.36.   My total out-of-pocket at this
>point = $2,321.48.  
>OK - that's enough gloating for now.    
>Drive careful,
>Carl F. Musson, 

 HEY, that's my 'Later' on the closing sig!  Now you must drive these cars to 
my house to settle this flagrant infraction out of court.  ;-)

 (I am now projecting the image of you driving the cars to my house into your 
brain Carl.)  ;-)



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