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Re: TR6: Alternator, fixed?

Subject: Re: TR6: Alternator, fixed?
From: James <>
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 14:22:13 +0000
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
Organization: UKAEA
References: <>
The ignition light comes on becaue, the altinator circuets are drawing
current through the light to charge the field coils.  The field coils
are the ones on the spindle in the altinator.  When the altinator is
running correctly you should not see the ignition lights, because the
altinator is generating enough power to sustain the field coils of it's
own occord.  

Does the ignition warning light get brighter when you switch the main
beam on, have you got the correct belt tension, and is the altinator
spinning at the correct RPM's.  To work it out 
Crank pully radias = rc
altinator pully radias = ac
Pi = Pie
(Pi*rc*rc / Pi*ac*ac)*crank_rpms = altinator rpms.  At idle is it within

Are all your contacts good and the brushes nice.  

James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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