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Re: Crane 700 ignition

To: rick <>
Subject: Re: Crane 700 ignition
From: Martin Libhart <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 09:28:35 -0600
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <l03020901b134246fa102@[]>
I just recently completed installation of the Crane XR700 on my TR6 - am
extremely pleased with the results.  I also upgraded my coil to a Lucas Sport
Coil at the same time.  Regarding mounting, I considerdd the flat area on
fender well, but chose instead to mount adjacent to wiper motor, and above the
pedal assemblies.  Looks very good there - the unit is now black instead of
bright gold, and looks good in my opinion.  (I felt the spot on fender was
subject to more heat and occasional moisture when driving in rain.)

Don't forget to increase plug gap to take maximum advantage of the hotter
spark.  I would suggest increasing to .035, and pay attention to the section
in instructions regarding ballasted vs. non-ballested installation.  The sport
coil has enough internal resistance to work well with the unit, with no other
external ballast needed.

Martin Libhart
1972 TR6
1970 Spitfire

rick wrote:

> Listers,
> I bought the Crane 700 electronic ignition kit and will be installing it
> soon. Any pointers, words of advice or caution? I was told that I could
> bypass the vaccum retard system by screwing the plate in the distributor's
> body, any thoughts on that matter? (the vaccum diaphragm is dead...).
> There is a flat spot on the drivers's side inner fender that looks to be
> the perfect place to attach the unit, is this the way to go?
> Thanks for you time
> rick
> 72 TR6
> 72 TR6

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