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RE: making room....

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: making room....
From: Amy Black <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 20:21:43 -0600
Cc: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

Sent:   Monday, March 16, 1998 9:37 AM
To:     ''; Amy Black
Subject:        Re: making room....

     Hi Amy (?), Jeff here,
     Got a question for you and it IS NOT meant to be taken personally, 
     You've asked for "best offer OVER $1500". What does someone selling 
     mean when they say that? I know when I'm selling something I'm 
     thinking to myself, well, I need at least $1500.00 for it, so I'll 
     start higher and let people work me down to $1500.  What kind of 
     responses/offers do you get when the asking price is phrased in such a 
     way as to request offers higher. Are you expecting people to start a 
     bidding war? BTW, you aren't the only one doing this, I see it all the 
     time. I guess I don't understand the logic.
     Again, I ask with absolutely no malice intended. Maybe I'm just 
     ignorant. :)


        This is Tony.  Amy has the Mk 2 Spit.  She also has the e-mail address, 
hence the confusion about who is writing what.  At any rate, I'm not sure what 
made me advertise like that.  It was the suggestion of a friend, who happens to 
be a member of this list.  I don't understand the logic myself now.  Chad, 
would you care to offer an explanation?

Tony Zager & Amy Black
1969 Spitfire Mk3
1966 Spitfire Mk2
1962-3??? TR 4

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