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'Life at Triumph' and site linking

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: 'Life at Triumph' and site linking
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 23:22:51 -0000
Hi, listers
There's another 'Life at Triumph' story about to hit the web. I've already
put on my tin hat, gas mask and flame-proof overalls in anticipation of
there being an incoming divisive readership. Uploading will take place by
about the weekend - I hope!. Would have been there by now but for the fact
I discovered some 'arc welding' on the 'story outriggers' was needed with a
degree of urgency in certain areas.Those of you who have done similar to
other outrigger types will recognise the gravity of the problem I faced!
I'm planning to add a section on the links for both my sites (tools and
stories) for individual owners - wherever they are. I'm grouping this by
model, by year. If you'd like your own car to have a link from 'Life at
Triumph' - don't bother to ask, just send me your site address with the
model name, mark number and year of first registration - if you know it. It
doesn't matter whether your car is finished or mid-way on the restoration -
let's have it "on the floor at Berkeley Square." Those of you who've
already invited me to visit you - could you submit your site address again
so I don't unintentionally tread on tender toes?
John Macartney

"Good Aft'able, Consternoon!"

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