The first thing you should do, is to invest in a good spelling checker.
Just MHO.
At 11:47 AM 2/6/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Question for you all out there.
>I am trying to come up with a Project for my final year of Uni.
>I have to think of three projects, one of which should be hobiey
>So I am coming to you for a sugestion on that front.
>The project is to write a peace of software, this can be run on
>a computer or on a peace of hardware. That is an embeded system.
>This is for my disitation.
>My cource is Computing For Real Time Systems, so somthing like
>an engin management system would be appopreat. I don't have to
>use the Real Time Systems aspect however, so an engin simulation
>for LBC type cars might also be apropreat.
>So my question to you, if you were doing this what would you do?
>Have you any other Ideas on what I could do?
>Thanks for you help,
>PS. I'll try and find out on the legal front wether I can release
>this software/harware design or not. What ever, I won't start it
>unill September finishing in May.
>James Carpenter
>Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot