Question for you all out there.
I am trying to come up with a Project for my final year of Uni.
I have to think of three projects, one of which should be hobiey
So I am coming to you for a sugestion on that front.
The project is to write a peace of software, this can be run on
a computer or on a peace of hardware. That is an embeded system.
This is for my disitation.
My cource is Computing For Real Time Systems, so somthing like
an engin management system would be appopreat. I don't have to
use the Real Time Systems aspect however, so an engin simulation
for LBC type cars might also be apropreat.
So my question to you, if you were doing this what would you do?
Have you any other Ideas on what I could do?
Thanks for you help,
PS. I'll try and find out on the legal front wether I can release
this software/harware design or not. What ever, I won't start it
unill September finishing in May.
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot