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Re: LBC's in films,was Moto-Lita (Long,sorry)

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: LBC's in films,was Moto-Lita (Long,sorry)
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 17:17:16 -0500 (EST)
In a message dated 31/10/97  14:02:08, you write:

 > >Leon writes:
 > >> Do you remember the Aston Martin DB Convertible pushed of the cliff by
 >the 'Mafia' at the very beginning of the Film 'The Italian Job' ? Well,it
 > >
 > From what I remember, they made apporx 60(ish) DB4 volantes, sorry Leon!!
 >Very possibly old man,but I'm sure they were all different from one another
 >in some way,being handbuilt! (bit like Triumphs really),(almost)
 >"All my Convertibles are handbuilt,often more than once!"
 Just checked a book, they made 70 DB4 convertibles! :-)

Well done,more misinformation dispelled !
Also, the Lambo Miura at the
 > start that ran 'into' a digger, why was it flat????  Surely the front
 > have been crushed, and while I'm here, why didn't it have an engine in
 >Well,it may have been a rumor? Can someone find out please? If you read my
 >words properly,you will see that I did not say that everything was set in
 >You know how these Chinese wispers spread,and no Richard,I am certain that
 >was not a Lambo at the beginning that got 'flattened' it was most
 >a signal red E-Type. Anyhow who could ever imagine any italian destroying
 >italian car?
 Leon, It was at the 'beginning' of the film, where the bloke was driving
 through the mountains to the tune of 'In days like these' or something, THAT
 was definately a Lamborghini Miura!

Thanx Rich,I happily acknowledge that there appears to have been a Lambo
Miura destroyed at the start of the film,(which I completely forgot
about),but I was originally talking about the wanton destruction of real
cars,not mock-ups and LBC's not LIC's !!
 >Anyhow,the whole point was that these were cars brought into Italy to do a
 >bank job by British gangsters and all the cars they were using were
 >British,not Italian!!!

 See above!

 >The e-type did not 'run-into' anything,it was a Diggers scoop that was
 >brought down on the non-moving E-types windscreen frame,smashing the
 >windscreen,and bending the windscreen frame flat across the front seats of
 >the car.

 See above again!! :-)
on the subject of the E-types, yes, two did get trashed, the Coupe was a
 >write off, but the convertible was repaired.
 >That is what I said isn't it? The Convertible was repaired.
 > > I last saw goldfinger ooh quite recently, got all the Vids you see- not
 > >a patch on the books mind......
 > Ha ha, me too, and I've got the Italian job!!! :-)  Books are OK, but they
 >are pretty useless if you can't read :-)
 >Are you saying you can't read Rich?
 :-) Leon
 gerag;eao\eubro or write very well.
Sm%rt&rs$ !!
ps.can we stop this increasingly inane thread now and get back to Triuimphs
Just a suggestion

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