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Re: VTR & VINs, Hoover, and the Registry

To: Joe Curry <>
Subject: Re: VTR & VINs, Hoover, and the Registry
From: Andrew Mace <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 13:06:01 +0500 (EST)
Cc: Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>, Vintage Triumph Register Board <vtr-admin@Autox.Team.Net>
On Wed, 29 Oct 1997, Joe Curry wrote:

> I say again, The VTR is a CLUB.  That's all it is.  THe name is a
> mis-nomer.  If it was truely a register it would be established for the
> express purpose of registering Triumphs.  The fact that they won't
> register a car unless you pay your dues makes it a CLUB.

> If it was truely a register in the strictest sense, the cars would be
> listed free of charge and the information would be made public, not kept
> private.
I don't really wish to argue semantics here. On behalf of the founders of
the Vintage Triumph Register, I apologize if the terminology is misleading
to some. But there are any number of "registers" -- VTR, TRA, TR Register
in England, the New England MG "T" Register, Ltd., to name a few -- who
in fact do far more than merely compile lists of cars.
> I, on the other hand want to register all Spitfires (without
> compensation for time or expenses) and make the information available to
> the public.  If a true Register really existed, I would not have to
> spend the hundreds of hours I have already spent trying to compile the
> list.  I would simply ask and get the information I desire.  But the
> information does not exist.  And unfortunately, It probably never
> will!!!

And, not to publicly embarrass you or criticize your effort, Joe, but have
you also contacted Amicale Spitfire (France), TSSC (England), Triumph
Spitfire Club (Netherlands), and any of the scores of other clubs around
the world? Are they all cooperating? Are their lists (as are VTR's to some
extent) inclusive also of perhaps long-scrapped cars?

I know I have provided to VTR commission number and other details for a
good 6-7 Spitfires that now exist only in my mind or in pieces in and
about my barn. I believe that those numbers are "keyed" as "parts only"; I
don't know how other Registers or Clubs might key their information. VTR's
database does also include, at least for some models, commission numbers
from other sources, for which we may or may not have information beyond
said commission number. This is due in part to a great amount of personal
research and number collecting having been done over the years by VTR's
vehicle registrar. Finally, understand that VTR's information on cars is
only as complete as the information members choose to submit. Many
members, for whatever reason, do not submit complete information. Others
fail to update their vehicle information upon renewal. VTR will, with the
issue of the magazine currently at the presses, step up efforts to get
members to keep us informed of changes, additions and deletions to our

Further, will this quest begin to reach the possibly hundreds or thousands
of Spitfire owners who either have yet to hear of a club or choose not to
participate in one? And will the information (or even existence of same) 
be readily available in the future to those who are not computer-savvy? 
Ultimately, will it be of any more than curiosity value to know that a
commission number very close to that of my Mk.3 is still extant,
particularly if that car is located in South Africa or Finland or

Please understand that I do not in any way question your goal. And, as I
hope has been made clear, the Vintage Triumph Register will be happy to
cooperate to the extent with which we and our members are willing. And,
until and if some sort of "survey" could be arranged for, that extent must
be only in numbers and perhaps a broad geographical location (such as Zip
or Postal Code).

Again, I applaud your efforts to track as many as possible of the over
300,000 Spitfires produced, and I realize and appreciate that any unified
list you can create will be better than what has existed previously. And
yes, VTR will be more than happy to provide a host (via the Web site) for
your database, with full credit to you and those who assist you. Please
let me know if there is any other way in which we might assist.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register                  *
*                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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