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Commision numbers and body numbers

To: "'Triumphs List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Commision numbers and body numbers
From: Winnie Olmer <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 09:54:22 -0400
According to MOSS my '72 TR6 should NOT have that tube which encircles the 
trunk to the emission control fuel vapor reservoir. This pipe is in my 
trunk yet there is no reservoir. There is that very small cylindrical 
separation tank bolted just under the rear deck which is correct for a '72. 
My MOSS catalog shows a tube running directly from this separation tank, 
along the chassis, then up to the carbon canister. Yet my TR is using the 
tube which encircles the trunk to accomplish this connection. This leaves 
me curious as to the previous history of my TR. Is it really a '72? Are the 
engine and chassis '72 but the body earlier? Did someone swap commission 
number plates? Did someone simply use this tube as a replacement because 
that was available to them. Or is the MOSS catalog wrong for my year?

How does one number on a car relate to another to determine a match?

Commission # CC81845  April 1972
Engine #CC81499UE
Body has two numbers  #74711CC  &  #03126C

Paint #17
Trim #11

These are some of the numbers off plates and components. If someone has 
knowledge as to how these relate one to another I'd appreciate some info.

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