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Re: Winter storage tips wanted

To: (Joe Whalley)
Subject: Re: Winter storage tips wanted
From: (Philip E. Barnes)
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 10:33:46 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
>From things I've read and things I've done for my own car, here's my list:

1) Before you put it away, take it for a long ride. This is for emotional
as well as real reasons. You'll get everything nice and hot to drive off
any moisture in the exhaust and engine.

2) Fill the tank, drain and refill the oil, oil the locks and hinges.

3) When the car is in place, disconnect the battery.

4) I'd recommend against running the car during storage, unless you can
take it for a ride. See #1.

5) Make sure the interior is tight so the critters don't build a nest there.

I store my car in a garage, so I don't know that much about special outdoor
storage tips. Make sure you secure your covers so they don't flap and dull
the paint.

Phil Barnes
Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
'71 TR6  CC61193L (20 year owner)

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