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130 mph TR4

To: Triumph List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: 130 mph TR4
From: Steve Witt <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 13:24:53 -0700 (PDT)
So, how does one get a TR4 to go 130 mph (in street form, with a Triumph 
engine)? And if one is successful, will the suspension and brakes handle 
this speed?

I ask only because I've been dreaming of getting a sports car for a while
and have a fondness for Triumphs, particularly TR4's.  One of my goals 
is to have a car to tinker around on.  I gather that the TR's are
fairly easy to work on as they are fairly simple cars.  I've been a little
concerned that a 30+ year old car might not have the performance that I
might like.  Not that 130 mph is a speed that I attain very often, but it
(or something in that neighborhood) implies a level of performance that is
fairly significant.  For this reason I've been thinking of a Caterham
Seven, but this might be too elemental and small for me, not too mention
too expensive and not appreciated by the California smog guys.

Is a TR6/TR250 a better platform than a TR4 for high performance tweaks?
>From what I've read, it seems that the performance of a stock TR6 didn't
increase a lot from a TR4 (though the onset of smog controls is probably
mostly responsible for this).

Anyway, thanks for any thoughts on this.

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