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Re: Porsche

Subject: Re: Porsche
From: "Johnny Storm: International racing car driver" <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 15:35:47 +0100 (BST)
Cc: SUCHAK <>,, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,
> >would've been through long before we were sucked in by those sneaky
> >little people to the east!

Remembering that British Intelligence (America had none, the F.B.I were 
disapeering up thir own ar#eholes) through Dusko Popov had warned the U.S
about pearl harbour long in advance. America chose (unwisly I'm sure 
you'll all agree) to ignore the warning.

The only logical conclusion is that it was decided to see which side was 
likely to win and hop on the bandwagon!:-)
, now Europe may have suffered a
> tad more though!!!! :-)  But who cares, I don't live there!!! :-)

Yeh, the Vichy French had a right hard time of it, most going on to become 
ministers in later govts. 

> >just in timey-s,
> >like a massive shit-rain from above."

Am I right in interpreting that this 'song' equates american help with 
er..Shit? Nuff said!!!:-)

> ps, Any new comers, please don't let this get out of hand like that Dr crap(OK
> OK, So contributed too) :-)

Dr Crap, wasn't that sylvester McCoy???


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