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Brake Bleeding

To: triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Brake Bleeding
From: Zempel David <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 09:35:20 -0700
Now for one of those perpetual topics,

I attempted to use one of those vacume based tools to bleed the brakes on my
'63 TR4 this weekend.  I could put 30" Hg of vacume on the system from the
bleeder valve (opened) and only draw the fluid out of the slave and no more. 
Considering the possibility that something in the master cylinder was causing
a problem, I disconnected the brake line from it and again I could put vacume
on the system from the bleeder valve.  In fact the system would hold the
vacume at about 25" Hg.  Is there a valve in the restrictor that is preventing
me from bleeding the brakes in this manor?  I'm avoiding removing and
disasembling the restrictor since I don't really know anything about it and
the manual doesn't break it down.  So I'm not sure how to adjust it correctly
once I've removed it and taken it apart.

By the way, we got a bunch of pictures of the surrey top details this weekend.
 Bob of Mt. View came by with a digital camera.  He'll be sending them to me
soon and I'll annotate them.  

Later, Dave Zempel
'63 TR4 SurreyTop
Sunnyvale, CA.

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