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Re: TR4 Sold

To: "Johnny Storm: International racing car driver" <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Sold
From: George Richardson <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:52:58 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Merlin Group Inc.
References: <Pine.SOL.3.90.971013134354.8430I-100000@publix>
Johnny Storm: International racing car driver wrote:
> > Look again.  keep looking.   Let's see if your comments about my email
> > were sincere or do I detect a one sided picture here?
> > Let's do it.
> Oh I get it now, if you stare closelay at the Doc's message you see one of
> those 'magic-eye' stereogram pictures, wait it's coming through, yes it's
>  a large Dollar sign!
> Johnny
> '77 spitfire 1500

If this guy is really a medical doctor, it really makes me feel for his
patients. What a great bedside manner he must have!

" I can't touch that commoner!" "First let's talk financing..."
George Richardson
'57 TR3, TS15559L
(getting ready to paint - and now on the web!)

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