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Re: Porsche

Subject: Re: Porsche
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 08:51:25 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <> <>
SUCHAK wrote:
> Craig Richburg wrote:
> >
> > Hey Russ,
> >
> > Good,  however, I already own a Porsche.
> > But you wouldn't know anything about that.
> > I guest we can't expect much from someone who can not even afford
> > his own email account.
> I GUEST we can't expect much from your ability to spell or compose
> grammatically correct sentences either.
> Methinks thou art a crock of bullshit.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but
> doesn't one need to demonstrate, at very least, a cursory knowledge of
> the english language to get into medical school?   Just a quick
> examination of your writing style and frequent obvious errors tell
> volumes about who (and what) you really are.  For example, your use of
> the contraction "can't", followed only five words later by the use of
> the full "can not" indicates at very least a childlike inconsistency in
> thought, and in the context of your recent behavior in this social
> setting, may be indicative of a deeper tendancy towards schizophrenia
> and an anti-social personality.  Does mental illness run in your family
> as well?
> John  (Man, I *really* tried to stay out of this thing....)

Until now, I have stayed out of this one.....

However, I couldn't resist this time.   

What we are seeing is frustration because Doctors traditionally write
horribly.  With computers it is impossible to scribble, so the good
doctor is finding a way to butcher the language in other ways.

Oh well, today is the monthly meeting of the local Triumph Club 
(Tyee Triumphs) and as usual it is raining cats and dogs...

It has about 40 minutes to stop before I have to leave.

I think I'll move down to Arizona where auto clubs don't have to use 
phrases like "weather permitting"

Joe  '63 Spit

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