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logic overdrive device and indicator lamp

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: logic overdrive device and indicator lamp
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 09:57:13 -0400 (EDT)
Greetings fellow listers, audible buzzer threaders, OD dash lighters:

About the same time this "audible buzzer" thread started (i confess i
ignored it until "OD" crept into the subject line) I recieved and began 
perusing my Revington TR catalog and price guide which I recieved
   (Warning: entering Shamless Arrogant Brag Mode)
with the  25 pound gift certificate which I was generously awarded for 
gettting ALL the answers right in Temple of Triumph Trivia Part II contest - 
something none of the rest of you did. To see the questions and answers
which *I* knew or found and YOU didn't, go to
(its a great Triumph website) and click on Triumph Trivia Part II.
I can hardly believe nobody else got 100 % right !  ;-)
     (Shamles Brag Rant over)
Anyway Revington TR offers something called a "Logic overdirve switching
device" with the following description:
     "Allows fast overdrive operation. Overdrive can not be left in
     reducing strain on the overdrive. When changing gear with the overdrive
     left engaged overdrive drops out automatically. Fits all electrically 
     operated overdrives."
price is 22.50 plus 3.94VAT
They also list a "dash mounted indicator lamp to show state of overdrive"
price 3.30 plus .58VAT - these prices are no doubt in Pounds Sterling
or whatever it is you call that limey currency. VAT must be some excessive,
arrogant British tax like those that lead to the Boston Teaparty. ;-)
Anyway, thanks for reading this far, here is the question:

Has anyone purchased,  used or seen this "logic overdrive device" 
and/or indicator lamp ? if so please tell us all about it.
Sounds to me like a great addition to the overdrive setup I plan
to install in Worlds Longest Running Unfinished TR6 Restoration
when/if i finish it up next year.

Jack Mc
World Renowned Prize Winning Triumph Trivia Expert
73 TR6 CF870U     

Thanks again to RevingtonTR and The Temple of Triumph  

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