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RE: Spitfire Heads and Cams

To: "'Peter Lucas'" <>, "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Spitfire Heads and Cams
From: Kris Kane <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 10:21:49 -0600
Cc: "" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
I'm still rebuilding my '79 1500 and have the motor out of the car, but
have gone with the Kent cam you mention.  If anyone does have any
experience, good of bad, please let us know!


OK, so I've decided to go with a 1500 head on the 1500 engine. Remember
the question about the 1147 head on the 1500?...Well forget it. Anyway,
I found a shop in the SF Bay Area that will completely rebuild one,
resurface, port and polish for about $450. I'm currently looking for a
used head for this project. The engine is a '77 are some 1500 heads
better than others? Also- has anyone had any experiences, good or bad,
with the kent cam listed in the Victoria British Catalog. (.261" lift-
.295 duration with a power band between 2000 & 6500)? Another
alternative would be to go with Crane in Florida. They can re-grind a
cam to .414 lift- 222 duration with a power band between 3000 & 6200.
Again, I'm looking for more power without loosing too much reliability.
The engine also has a header, Dual point, and Weber DCOE.

Thanks in advance, 
Peter Lucas '64 Spit/1500

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