There was a thread on the list a short time ago regarding setting valve
lash. It petered-out, though, shortly after one member teased us with a
tidbit about setting his Spit valve lash *hot*. I'd be very interested
to hear about his technique and the proper hot spec. As I mentioned in
an earlier posting, I have set many "bulletproof" Merkin engines (slant
sixes, etc.) while the engines were running by using a flat feeler
gauge, slowly cranking down the adjuster until the gauge is pretty much
trapped, and backing the adjuster out until I can just get feeler gauge
movement at the slack points. The process is messy, but it's quick and
easy, and I've never had a problem (luck?); however, I'm more than a
little reluctant to give this a go on Malibu Barbie's Dream Car.
So, any hints, tips, or tricks?
Schuyler E. Grace
'73 Spitfire 1500 - FM1183U
* For topical application, only. Not to be *
* ~~~~~ / taken internally or used in combination *
* {:~{p>-| with other drugs or alcohol, except as di- *
* ~~~~~ \ rected by your shaman. Do not operate heavy *
* equipment unless you really know how. *