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Re: how's the weather?

To: Dave Terrick <>
Subject: Re: how's the weather?
From: Carol Zingone <>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 09:23:50 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: J.R. Hoffman
References: <>
Dave Terrick wrote:
> Well, it's not Winterpeg here yet.
>  We could see our breath at the Stones concert on Tuesday evening, but 
> it's 82 here again.
> My tags on the GT6 expired today.  It Figures.  Now it can snow.
> Anybody else out there having a great fall on el nino?
> Dave T
> Winnipeg


Here in NE Florida, this week has been *gorgeous*:  lower 80's, low 
humidity (for us anyway)...saw a fellow club member in their mimosa 
yellow TR6 last night and I started sniveling...I'm hoping to put the 
rebuilt clutch master and slave cylinders back on Sybill tomorrow, bleed 
the system, and get her down.

She's been up there since Labor Day & I've been going through serious 
withdrawal  -- 

Carol Zingone
74 TR6 -- Sybill
Neptune Beach, FL

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