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Re: brake drums

To: Zempel David <>
Subject: Re: brake drums
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 07:15:07 -0400
Cc: triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Lockheed Sanders, Inc.
References: <>
Zempel David wrote:

> I'm planning on sandblasting the rust off of my brake
> drums and painting them black with barbque paint.
> Anybody forsee any problems with this? 

I don't forsee any problems.  Others have already
responded and described their experiences with
engine paints or even regular paints.

The only thing that I would add is to use a thin
coat of a self-etching primer on the bare metal
first, and then use only a thin coat of finish
paint.  I suggest this because the paint will
act as insulation for the brake drum, and
increasing the length of time needed to cool off.
Even in the worst case, this won't be much of
a problem in a TR4, since the front brakes are
disc brakes, but this can be a problem in cars
where the front brakes are drums...

(The same advice goes for radiators, if anybody
is painting their radiator!)

'70 & '74 TR6 Daily Drivers

Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
Sanders, PTP2-A001          | 
PO Box 868                  | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Nashua, NH 03061            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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