SUCHAK wrote:
> Ease up, Politeness Man!
> Are you *always* so compelled to point out *every* percieved
> transgression of your apparently strict code of proper acknowledgement,
> or is this a treat that you save for the internet? I can see it now...
> "Honey, you forgot to thank me for mowing the lawn"... Your poor wife.
> It seems to me that most of the people on this list are motivated out of
> a desire to be helpful, to exchange information, and just basically
> participate in keeping these wonderful cars on the road, NOT because
> they live for the expression of gratitude that they feel should
> accompany such help. If someone thanks me for something, great. If
> not, NO BIG FRIGGIN DEAL! Maybe they're just too busy ENJOYING THEIR
> CAR, which *is* why we're all here, no?
> There are simply certain concessions you make to a cumbersome and
> impersonal medium like an E-mail list. Minor courtesies sometime get
> overlooked. Welcome to reality. Perhaps you should look at the
> positive aspects of things, instead of your petty hurt feelings.
> (Rant mode off)
> John
> --
> Come see us on the Web!
Can you say AMEN!