Shary Thur wrote:
Subject: Cooling Solutions Anyone?
[snip]This being the first summer we've owned a TR6 it did not take long to
realize we were going to need to cool this car down substantially in order
to continue driving it throughout this climatic D.C. season. I have
already installed a Hayden electrical fan with a 180* degree thermostat.
My next step for cooling down the engine temperature will be to install an
engine oil cooler. If anybody could shed some light on the best oil
cooling kit for the TR6 I would appreciate it. [snip]
Moss makes a pretty nice kit with all the adapters and hoses, as does VB,
although I would be wary of the quality of parts from VB.
In addition to all the items mentioned above the TR has a cardboard cowling
and as of yesterday, new radiator fluid with an extra cooling additive.
What are some of my other options or is this enough? Please note that the
TR is being used as a daily driver in stop & go traffic with temperatures
frequently at 95 degrees or higher.
You should also check your ignition timing. In fact, this one adjustment
alone made a HUGE difference in the hot running of my Spitfire. I had the
entire cooling system redone, engine block hot tanked, new H2O pump, new
hoses, etc, etc. and installed a Hayden elec. fan with 185 degree
thermostat, and it was still running warm in heavy traffic. Barry Schwartz
recommended I advance the timing until I got detonation pinging. Advanced
it to 17 degrees static and 34 degrees at 2500 rpm (still haven't heard any
pinging but didn't want to go overboard on the advance). Not only did it
stop running warm, but it pulls stronger in the upper rpm range, too. Now
the fan seems like a waste of money as it almost never gets hot enough to
trip the thermostat. My advice - spend 20 minutes tinkering with your
timing - it may save you bucks.
Ross D. Vincenti
Asst. General Counsel/Asst. Sec'ty.
Transamerica Home Loan - Legal Division
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 742-4756
(213) 741-6945 or 742-4010 fax
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe