This being the first summer we've owned a TR6 it did not take long to realize
we were going to need to cool this car down substantially in order to continue
driving it throughout this climatic D.C. season. I have already installed a
Hayden electrical fan with a 180* degree thermostat. Having successfully
installed this fan on my brother in-laws Z car I decided this would be the
first step. Everything went well until I ruptured the radiator while
inserting the thermostat needle thru the radiator. The radiator fins are much
narrower and closer together than my previous fan installation. Having sealed
the leak I'm quite happy with the cooling results. Because I don't know how
to translate the lucas temperature gauge into any meaningful real world
numbers I can't give out a total degrees dropped temperature, but simply put,
the needle on the temperature gauge went from the 2nd white hash mark past
middle hash mark to in between the middle hash mark and the next one over to
its immediate right. If anybody has already translated these white hash
marks on the temperature gauge into real numbers please be so kind as to share
this information.
My next step for cooling down the engine temperature will be to install an
engine oil cooler. If anybody could shed some light on the best oil cooling
kit for the TR6 I would appreciate it.
In addition to all the items mentioned above the TR has a cardboard cowling
and as of yesterday, new radiator fluid with an extra cooling additive. What
are some of my other options or is this enough? Please note that the TR is
being used as a daily driver in stop & go traffic with temperatures frequently
at 95 degrees or higher.
Thanks in advance.
Sebastien & Gaby.