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RE: SOL Pool Party and ROSS

To: "" <> (Return requested), "" <Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: SOL Pool Party and ROSS
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 27 Jun 1997 08:13:00 -0700
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X400-content-type: P2-1988 ( 22 )
X400-mts-identifier: [/c=us/admd=attmail/prmd=transam/; 0883A33B3D87C013-mtamailhub]
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X400-recipients: non-disclosure; <0883A33B3D87C013*/c=US/admd=ATTmail/prmd=Transam/o=tfs/s=Vincenti/g=Ross/@MHS> wrote:

In a message dated 97-06-26 23:01:22 EDT, you write:

<< Oh, you know, the usual stuff - mortgage payments, student loan
 payments, car payments, grocery bills, utilities, etc.  (sigh).   >>

  Are you afraid these will all disappear if you go to the convention?
Of course not.  But, like everything else in life, one must prioritize 
things.  I suppose my priorities must seem somewhat conventional and 
pedestrian to others, but that's life.

Ross D. Vincenti
Asst. General Counsel/Asst. Sec'ty.
Transamerica Home Loan - Legal Division
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 742-4756
(213) 741-6945 or 742-4010 fax

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