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Re: I thought the point was...

To: Joseph Burlein <>
Subject: Re: I thought the point was...
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 19:18:34 -0700
Cc: Triumphs List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: Justin Ltd.
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.970617092947.21311A-100000@buffalos>
Joseph Burlein wrote:
> As far as the "complaining" about TRF/MOSS/Rimmers, I think you all are
> missing the point here.  I thought the point of this list was to HELP out
> your fellow Triumph listers.  If that means informing someone that you
> have had problems with getting a company/individual to get your order
> correct (aka Rimmers thread a month or so back) or that a company's prices
> seem to be a little weird, well damn it, you should speak up.  That
> doesn't mean the company is bad, or their prices are bad, it just means
> (or should mean) someone has noticed/had a problem and wishes to pass on
> their story to HELP the other listers avoid the same!  All this crap that
> flies around about not bad mouthing companies or telling someone to get
> their act together in emails is just going to turn off new people on the
> list.  One of the first things I do when I meet someone who is just
> getting into Triumphs is to let them know about VTR and this list.  If I
> were new, and trying to use the "wisdom" of people who have done this
> longer than I have, I know I would be put out with some of the stuff I've
> read here lately.  Buyer beware is very true, but, it would be nice to NOT
> have to go through that if I didn't have to...
> Joe Burlein
> 72 TR-6
> Melbourne, FL

Thank you Joe... I was wondering if someone was going to respond to that
one... I agree.   
And think about it folkes... aren't there like 400+ people on this
newsgroup?  All these companies, like Roadster Factory... are going to
see... if they haven't already... that they can't let a customer slip
through their fingers, left unsatisified... because there's a good
chance that the negative incident will be heard by 100's of customers... 
I remember, LONG AGO, ordering a used part from an established company
in Northern California...  THEY LIED TO ME... and outright screwed me
over... my only recourse, at the time, was court... which wasn't worth
my time... so I ate it...   IMAGINE NOW... if the same incident
happened... I could share it will the group... and actually hurt their
bottom line... 
They would have then seen the errors of their ways...and they would have
made good on their word... and then I would have reported their change
of heart to the group... and everyone would be happy again... 
I think you all get the idea.


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