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Car Magazines and Car Prices

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Car Magazines and Car Prices
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 1997 17:10:02 -0400 (EDT)
Just spent a while at the local Barnes and Noble Booksellers.  What I saw at
B&N prompted me to post this to the list.  

1)  I have seen several inqueries regarding prices for our cars.  I found two
price guides which may be of interest.  One is the magazine  "Collector Cars
and Trucks Prices" for 1997.   The second is the book "1997 Standard Guide to
Cars and Prices."  Each gives a graduated scale of prices depending on the
condition of the car.  For those of us considering buying or selling(?) a
Triumph these might prove valuable.  FWIW.

2)  I also looked through the magazine "British Cars" - the Jun/Jul issue has
a good article on ignition systems.  I was going to buy the magazine when I
remembered that the latest issue (#65) of "The Vintage Triumph", VTR's
magazine, has an ad for a subscription to "British Cars."   This ad (in TVT -
p.1440) has a special offer of a free copy of the "British Cars" Oct/Nov '96
special issue on Triumphs.  There is an 800 number.  Just passing this on for
those of you who might have missed it.
I have no vested blah, blah, blah.  :-)  Cheers.

Art Kelly

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