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Re[2]: Red TR3B

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re[2]: Red TR3B
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 19 May 1997 11:32:31 -0400
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     Oh, I forgot....and how many TR-6s get lined up at each car show, 
     every where....?????  Bunches!!! Sort of borring, ain't it.
     Now, how many GT-6s grace the same shows????  Sort of exciting, huh?

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Subject: Re: Red TR3B
Author: at Internet
Date:    5/19/97 9:41 AM wrote:> ------------------------------ 
> Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 13:40:03 -0700 
> From:
> Subject: Red TR3B
> Personally, I wouldn't have been able to resist not making a point of
> the other driver's ignoring you.  Chances are if you were washing a TR, 
> things would have been different.  Perhaps I'm being overly critical,
> but there are far too many people in my local club who display this sort 
> of attitude.  A friend of mine has a '70 Mk.3 Spit, on which she has
> spent into five figures getting it into its current, gorgeous
> condition.  Upon buying a TR6, a fellow member was heard to say, "Well, 
> I see you finally got a real triumph".  This sort of attitude does *no 
> one* any good.
> Cheers
> Scott Kohl (donning Nomex) ;-)
Scott, I recently posted a message lamenting that Spitfires 
and GT6's get no respect, even from other Triumph owners.  I 
got severely nuked by a bunch of TR6 owners who insisted it 
ain't so.  If it ain't, how come the resale value of my GT6 
is about 1/2 that of a TR6 in similar condition?  The good 
news is that we can afford to buy twice as many cars as
they can, right?

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