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Re: Red TR3B

To: "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Red TR3B
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 23:15:54 -0400
Organization: BRIT Inc.
References: <> wrote:
> A friend of mine has a '70 Mk.3 Spit, on which she has
> spent into five figures getting it into its current, gorgeous
> condition.  Upon buying a TR6, a fellow member was heard to say, "Well,
> I see you finally got a real triumph".  This sort of attitude does *no
> one* any good.

   I think these guys need a good slap as well.

   It strikes me as so stupid. We buy our LBCs because they
are unique, they are enjoyably unpractical, all kinds of
reasons that are directly related to reasons why the car
is essentially silly.

   Realistically, $8k at a used car dealer will buy you
a car that is superior to our LBCs in basically every
measurable way, it'll just be boring.

   So it's so ridiculous when people say "Oh, have a xxx
instead of those silly yyy because it's bigger/faster/more
comfortable/more luxurious inside/whatever". Well, that
grandma just past you in an 87 cavalier, it's got those
same advantages over your car, why don't you "trade up"
a bit yourself.

   A friend of mine wrecked his TR6 as I posted a while
ago, and he's eyeing a nice spitfire. People are emailing
me "how can you possibly go to a spitfire after owning
a TR6"? Well, how can anyone possibly drive an LBC after
owning a modern car? I'd personally take a spitfire
over a TR6 for all kinds of reasons.

   The world needs dedicated slappers, who's job it is
to tour the globe and slap people who deserve it.

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