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TR3A side curtains

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: TR3A side curtains
From: "M. W. Jordan, Jr" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 16:34:21 -0500
Good evening

I was able to find a set of brackets (that mount on the doors) that should
hold side curtains for my TR3A at Carlisle over the weekend, and when I got
back to my shop I took the side curtains down for a closer look.  The
curtains have been refurbished by the PO and are in good shape, except the
are missing the bars or flat metal parts that bolt on the side curtains
themselves and actually mount in the brackets.  I had been on the look out
for the mounts at Carlisle, but came up blank.  

Now how hard can it be to take some aluminum, cut and bend to the proper
shape, drill a couple of holes to mount to the curtains and then put the
Dzus (sp?) fasteners in place to hold in the newly acquired brackets. 
Well, not having a clue as to the proper dimensions of the mounts, pretty

Anyone out there care to measure the flat pieces and provide me with the
basics?  Overall length, width and thickness woud be great, a plus would be
the point at which the bend must occur, and even better would be the
approximate offset that is achieved by the offset bend in the mounts.

Thanks for your assistance.

M. w. Jordan, Jr.
Greenwood, MS

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