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RE: GT6+ color

To: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: GT6+ color
From: Jane Burdekin <>
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 05:48:02 -0600
When I was checking on paint, I just went to the local auto paint store. 
 They had a lot of books, and did have the valencia color listed.  They 
said they could get it too.  I don't have the little scrap of paper that 
had the paint codes on it any more, and now I can't even find the receipt. 
 Let me know if you want me to get more info, and I will.

'67 GT6

From:   Nick[]
Sent:   Monday, May 05, 1997 7:33 PM
To:     ''
Subject:        Re: GT6+ color

> Mitch, Mine was valencia too, and now its dark jewel green.  Sorry I
> help with the silver, but mine looks great.  It won't win any concours
> it looks great.  Jane
> '67 GT6
> I am thinking of painting my GT6+ and was wondering if anyone out there
> a silver one?  How do you think the car looks in it?
> My original color is Valencia and the PO already painted it dark blue.

TR owners with the "blues"-

How many other people have a Valencia colored car ? My GT6+ is also
valencia (with the stripes across the nose). I have not been able to find
any paint manufacturer that still lists this color paint. Any one else have
an answer to the "valencia" problem ? I could sure you a little touch up
action on my car. (OK actually a lot-o-touch up...)

Case of the obsolete blues...
      Nick in Nor Cal

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