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Re: GT6+ color

To: Nick <>
Subject: Re: GT6+ color
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 20:35:39 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: None whatsoever
References: <19970506013253.AAC5064@bmwsf>
Nick wrote:
> TR owners with the "blues"-
> How many other people have a Valencia colored car ? My GT6+ is also
> valencia (with the stripes across the nose). I have not been able to find
> any paint manufacturer that still lists this color paint. Any one else have
> an answer to the "valencia" problem ? I could sure you a little touch up
> action on my car. (OK actually a lot-o-touch up...)

Nick--I was thinking of (briefly) painting the GT6+ Wedgwood, and have a
catalog from a place in the UK which claims to stock aerosol and
touch-up for most colors (Valencia blue included). I sent them an
inquiry a couple of years ago about quarts and gallons, and they said,
yes, probably they could get them, but it would be a lot easier to have
the color matched here. They might be able to help if no supplier in the
US has the code chart for Valencia:

Sports Car Supplies
Ph: +44 091 496 0522
Fax: +44 091 488 4791 


My other Triumph doesn't run, either....

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