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Mig Welders

To: TR List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Mig Welders
From: Dennis <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 08:57:53 -0700 (MST)
I've followed the thread on welders.  I'm also thinking of buying one.
So what is a "cheap" welder and what is not a "cheap" welder?  In other
words, how much should one spend for an OK welder for occasional use
on not-too-terribly-difficult projects, like installing the tranny
cross member for the Midget overdrive conversion kit form the Nottingham
MG Center.  Oops, did I say MG, well I'm going to put a Spit OD tranny
into it if that makes a difference.  It will keep the engine company.

BTW.  Money used not to be too much of a concern until I quit my job.  So I
now have 7 mos off to finish my MG.  Lots of time but no $$........

BBTW.  Anyone on the list in South Africa?  I'm going there in Jan 98 as
a visiting professor in Bloemfontain.

Cheers Dennis

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