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Triumphant Herald Revival

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Triumphant Herald Revival
From: John Matthews <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 08:52:43 -0700
Organization: Serena Industries, Inc. <>
Morning All,

Just thought I would report the revival of the '61 Herald.
Pulled her out of the garage last night and went for a spin in the
mountains by my house. Boy, suspension mods make a world of difference
on these cars. Now I need more rubber!!!!!
Anyway, drove it to work this morning and it's running great. Open
exhaust on the street is too much fun;-).
Still need to tune the SU's, and fit a muffler (I'm thinking Supertrap
here), but it's great to be back on the road again!!!!!!!!!!


John Matthews
'65 & '61(almost there) Heralds

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