Hi Bill. I took a 12 volt line from the fusebox to the coil. It wont hurt
to run off the ballasted wire, it just means you aren't using the full
potential of the coil. In fact I just bought a Mallory dual point
distributor for the TR8 and I plan to bypass the ballast and fit a 12v
coil. Stu
> From: Bill Wood <triumph1@nr.infi.net>
> To: triumphs@autox.team.net
> Subject: Sports coil/The Gathering
> Date: Monday, April 21, 1997 11:07 PM
> To all those who have fitted a Lucus Sports Coil, what is involved in
> fitting the +12 v wire to the coil? I fitted the Sports Coil in 1989
> and just last week learned from this list that I am now running a
> ballast in the wiring harness and in the coil! Surprisingly, the car
> has run just great for all these years.
> While I am here, let me extend an invitation to all British marques to
> atttend this year's GATHERING this weekend in Winston-Salem, N.C. The
> weekend starts with a PARTS AUCTION at 7:30 at the Holiday Inn Hanes
> Mall. The CAR SHOW is on Saturday from 9 AM to 4 PM at REYNOLDA HOUSE &
> VILLAGE and registration includes 2 tickets to the house, the former
> estate of R.J. Reynolds, the tobacco tycoon. If you get tired of
> looking at over 100 beautiful British Cars, which I doubt, there are 27
> shops within the VILLAGE in which to browse for that special whatnot.
> At 7 PM that evening the AWARDS BANQUET will honor all of the show's
> winners. The weekend concludes with all of the DRIVING EVENTS on Sunday
> starting at 9 AM. There will be and AUTOCROSS, BLINDFOLD RALLY, SCENIC
> Hoe to see YOU there!
> Bill Wood
> 1973 TR6
> 1979 TR8 Coupe
> 1981 TR8 F.I.
> President, Triumph Club Of the Carolinas
> Greensboro, N.C.