Thanks for the comments. I have read the what you have included from the
judging guide before that's where the confusion comes in. I am not sure if
judges really know what to look for. Perhaps there should be better training
or reference book as required reading. Typically you don't have someone in
the same class, but owners from other types (TR6, TR3, etc) that might not
really know what to look for and judge them on what they think theirs cars
are supposed to have. When listening to them looking at Spits and GT's you
would be amazed at how many want to take points off for frames being the
same color as the car. Just because a TR6 is black they thing all Triumphs
them are.
When a car is really good I think they (the judges) have to look really
hard for percieved flaws and that is when the period accessories are
misinterpeted and could possibly come back to haunt you. I do feel for these
judges as I am sure it is a thankless job, but how many do it just for the
free breakfast;-)
BTW my spoiler is an aftermarket mailorder one similar to the one VB
offers nowdays. I have a set of extra valances so I might drill mount (ie
drill holes) in them and have to swap back and forth depending on where I am
showing. I am sure at the peoples choice at hot rod shows I can do well with
mag wheels and a spoiler, but 2 small holes from a removes spoiler might
kill me in a TR concours. What a dilemma.