Anyone else out there that has had good experiences with an ANSA exhaust?
There's a sweet sound, pretty much like that of the Monza, but it's only
LOUD with rapid acceleration at high RPM's. It really sounds great when
you're, say, pulling out onto the freeway. Once you get underway on a
roadtrip, there is more noise from the wind with the top down than from the
exhaust. It's omni-present, of course, but I have completed many
round-trips (fly-by-the-seat-o-my-pants-stop-only-for-gas-and-Jolt) between
Ft. Campbell, Kentucky, and Casper, Wyoming, in my 71TR6 (aprox. 1,300
miles) and the sound is enough to keep me awake without lulling me to
sleep. It's quite loud while autocrossing on a decent track...Quite silent
at stop lights.