Scott - Real bummer... Can't help with value, but did you have stated
value insurance on your car? If so, then that should be the amount you
can claim and there shouldn't be any hassle. If not, do you have
receipts, etc on your work that can give you a total you put into the car.
(excluding sweat equity) Also, have you ever had an appraisal on the car
(probably not since you are asking). If not that, are there any locals
that have seen the car and can help establish the condition as outlined in
the price guides. If so, you can use those as a basis for a value.
Good luck...
Also, don't rush to unload or jump into a new frame, etc. You are only
200 miles from the national vtr in July, you can either take your usable
parts or pick up a frame or maybe even a real nice replacement.
Sorry about the car, but glad to hear you're ok.
| CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator |
| Tampa, FL Opinions expressed are mine and not of my employer.|
\ '58 TR3A (TS25264L) - /