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TR3B Clutch

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR3B Clutch
From: Henry Frye <>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 20:07:08 -0400
Organization: TTC
Worldly Scions,

Boy, have I been having fun!!!

I got the major mechanicals sorted out on the '3, and am happy to report
things are going very well.

The engine started like a charm after some 20 years. Lots 'o sludge in
the pan, and the timing chain tensioner was in three pieces, but
otherwise nothing really scary.

New timing chain, sprockets and tensioner in and she purrs like a
kitten.  :-)   One casuality though, the generator is toast. :-( 

Anyway, as I bled the clutch (rebuilt both the master and slave
clyinders) I noticed strange pedal action. I think the master clyinder
may be out of adjustment, but I would like another opinion.

When the pedal is depressed, the clutch disengages. But when you put her
in gear and let out the clutch, the clutch doesn't engage promptly. I
have the tranny tunnel off so I can see the linkage, and the linkage is
_slowly_ moving back to the noraml, engaged position. The crazy thing is
if you work the pedal up and down repeatedly, the master cylinder "pumps
up" to the point where the pedal is rock hard and will _not_ move from
the top of it's travel, and the clutch is disengaged. After a few
seconds, the clutch will again slowly engage, but only if I take my foot
off the pedal.

When I did the road test, I was able to get the car into 4th going 40
mph or so, and I punched it. The cluth did not slip, so I think I have
decent pressure plate (that motor has some torque!)

The clutch does use a flex pipe. If it suffered an internal collapse, I
would think the symptoms would be similar, but not the pumping up

So, what do you think? 

I am thinking this would be a great time to teach my wife to drive a
clutch! Impossible to stall this one!  8-) 
 / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \
| Henry Frye                          E-mail |
| TR3B   TCF1927 L      |
| TR250  CD8096 L                              A Little Town In |
| TR250  CD1074 L                              Connecticut, USA |
 \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

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