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TR6 stalls when blipping throttle PROBLEM SOLVED

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR6 stalls when blipping throttle PROBLEM SOLVED
From: Scott Paisley <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 15:57:58 -0700
Hi!  I posted a message about this problem last June.  I just found
the problem and fixed it a few nights ago.

Many of you suggested that the problem could be low dash pots, 
or vacuum leaks.  All very good answers.  One person also mentioned
timing and that got me to thinking.  (Yes, I've been debugging this
sucker over the last few months...)

When I removed the vacuum retard line from the front carb, the car
would die IMMEDIATELY.  This led me to the distributor.  What did
I find there?  Nothing apparent.  But I knew that removing the
vacuum retard had the effect of moving the upper plate in the 
distributor which might mean... a short.  In fact that was the problem.
One of the wires in the low tension circuit had broken INSIDE the
insulation.  When I blipped the throttle, the car would advance and
short in the distributor, just for a second.  Man what a great feeling
to fix such an illusive problem!

Now all I have to do is put new intake valves and ... :-)  Thanks
for the help (months ago. :-)


-Scotty '75 TR6

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